GDPR, Cookies & Privacy: I am Friedrich Gonzalez, the owner of this site. I live in Germany. To get my full address contact me --> admin at To be able to this visit this service/website, this service stores one cookie in your browser. The 2entrust service uses that cookie to verify that you agree to the conditions specified here. This cookie is not used or shared in any other website in the Internet. Find out about cookies --> When your browser connected to this website, your machine gave away a lot of information: like browser name, IP address, etc. This data is also referred as headers. Headers alone do not identify a person or a business. This is the same information your browser sends to every website in the Internet This service stores these headers as logs for security purposes for 30 days on AWS Google Servers. Find more about the headers --> This service does not store or share any personal information about you. That's it!